SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It is the process by which we can increase the page rank of our website in the search engine. This technology has evolved as an important tool for article marketing. Now a days, different entrepreneurs and service providers use SEO campaign for promotion of their business.
Preparing article for Search Engine Optimization is not just easy. It requires certain skills and understandings how to use SEO. In SEO, main role is played by the KEYWORDS. Keywords are actually short phrases or even name or verbs which contain link to your targeted website or page.
Steps for SEO article
The first step while preparing an article for SEO of our business is to choose proper keywords. After selection of suitable keywords we start preparing an article to be submitted on social bookmarking websites. There are a number of free article submission sites and directories where you can put your contents with back link to your website. However, it is recommended to select only those websites for your contents which have high Page Rank (PR). This aspect can be got confirmed from google which maintains Page Rank, Page Authority and history of performance of any website by lieu of Alexa ranking.
When you have decided the parameters of SEO, it is time to start writing the article. First of all start with “Introduction” and then give full detail of your product or services in the article body. But be careful only relevant details are to be given here because people usually do not like extra and irrelevant contents. However, you can put your selected keywords in appropriate ratio with back link to your website. Finally, there is “Resource Box” which is an important part of an article. This should also contain information about the author and a link to the targeted website.
For more information on how to prepare SEO article for attracting more traffic, please visit our website