An article means group of sentences that can communicate your stance to the audience. Since introduction of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) “Article” has become an important tool for promotion of any business or idea. Most of the manufacturers, entrepreneurs and service providers have launched websites containing the detailed information of their products or services. Then link to their website is distributed by submitting the article on different bookmarking websites, which in turn direct visitors to their business websites and thus number of customers increase manifold.
An article can only be helpful tool for promotion of business when it is well drafted.
There are certain points that can make your write up impressive. First of all take time to decide topic of your article. The topic should also contain the keyword. After selection of topic and keyword now it is time to narrate your story. Here you can use one, two or even three paragraphs for giving as much as detail you can give about your product or service. But be careful that only relevant detail should be given. Sometimes, in order to make the article lengthy, writer quotes irrelevant things which leave bad impression on the readers. You can also use the keywords in appropriate ratio with back link to your website.
Another important thing is to avoid grammatical and spelling mistakes. An article containing lots of spelling and grammatical mistakes annoys the reader and thus cannot serve the purpose of SEO. Also avoid the contents copied from other sources because google promotes unique contents only. Duplicate or copied contents are discarded by search engine. Therefore, it is recommended to use your own words to communicate your message. Finally, there is resource box, which is an important part of “Article”. It contains author’s introduction. You can also use keyword here giving a back link to your homepage.
For more information about an “Article” and how to use it for web promotion, please visit our website
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